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Some Personal Background: In 30 years of life, I have been blessed enough to come from a small town in southern New Hampshire, make a voyage across the globe and end up back in the mountains of New Hampshire where I share a wonderfully blessed life with my lovely wife Sarah. We are hoping to turn our house and property entirely over to the work of God while raising livestock, growing agriculture and hosting all that have the desire to share our beautiful piece of the promised land. I am currently pursuing a BS in Religion with a cognate in Evangelism from Liberty University, writing a book (The Journey – Becoming a Warrior In Christ), and pursuing various opportunities to serve God in my family, community and socially. I take it a day at a time. I have an eight year old named Stella, two German Shepherds, enjoy making a fire every morning and pursue the occasional game of chess to better understand cause and effect in life. I am where I am today because of God’s grace and direction. In order to fulfill this leg of the journey, I had to quit my six-figure job, cash in my retirement, trade in my security clearance, and walk away from everything that I have ever known. One big leap of faith and this blog is part of my evangelical contribution to Christ, my King.

Prior to making this transition, I lived and worked in the Washington D.C. area for the Department of Defense, specializing in intelligence, counterterrorism operations, strategic planning, and business. I have spent years of service in and out of a uniform deployed to hostile areas for the sake of liberty and freedom. I’ve been blessed to work alongside the most elite fighters and thinkers the U.S. has to offer and have been a part of and witnessed the world from the global to tactical levels on four continents and most of the U.S. States. I’ve been the target of terrorist attacks, escaped death, and had a bounty on my head from some of the most evil men the world has generated. I’ve witnessed the world through the vantage point of a kid that was born three months premature to a single mother. Logically, I have been, seen and witnessed things that simply never should have been according to the standards of the world.

By God’s grace, I have walked away from greed, drugs, alcohol and a variety of other binding demons that oppressed me for the majority of my adult life. I grew up in an abusive household and have never had a relationship with my father. I learned life the hard way. I grew up fast and I am on a mission to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. By grace I have been saved and by grace I march forward into the darknesses of the world for the name of Jesus. I love to laugh and take pleasure in the simple nuances in life. It is my goal to connect with those who follow Jesus and put my cards on the table to best support the work of God with my unique experience and background.

I sat in the dark on 9/11 2014 unaware of Christ. He showed up like a gust of wind, told me I belonged to Him and brought me into His loving arms. I was not a member of a church, a reader of the Bible or pursuing God in any area of my life. I was on a destructive path to nowhere and tired of the hypocrisy and corruption in the world. I made a decision that night to surrender to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I have never looked back or been the same. I don’t know where this journey will lead me but I am excited to follow the light of the lamp and follow Christ.

If you’re in need of prayer, or just want to reach out please feel free to contact me via the form below.

God Bless You Friends.